dinsdag 26 april 2011

Pakeha (3) its origin and meaning by Jodie Ranford

I accept the derivation of ‘Pakeha’ from ‘Pakepakeha’ because it establishes a clear whakapapa, or genealogy of the term ‘Pakeha’.
Gods of the ocean who had the forms of fish and man
Beings with fair skin and hair who gave people the secret of fishing with nets
Mythical, human like being, with fair skin and hair who possessed canoes made of reeds which changed magically into sailing vessels
Originally referring to the early European settlers of New Zealand
These clear linkages give a poetic truth to the term ‘Pakeha’, each version associating ‘Pakeha’ with the ocean, which is how immigrants have arrived in Aotearoa from Cook’s first voyage to present day.

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