maandag 28 december 2020

In Thailand moeten minstens 220 jongeren voor de rechter komen. Zes van hen zijn nog minderjarig.


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Lees hier de petitie
To Prime Minister Prayut Chan-O-Cha
Dear Prime Minister,
I write to express my grave concern about the escalating crackdown on students and other activists in your country, who have been expressing their opinions on political and constitutional reforms through peaceful protest and social media.
It is alarming to learn that at least 220 persons, including six children, face criminal proceedings. They would face up to decades or even life imprisonment if prosecuted and convicted.
I therefore urge you to immediately and unconditionally drop all criminal proceedings against protesters and others charged solely for exercising their rights to freedom of peaceful assembly and expression.
Further, I ask that you cease all other measures, including harassment, aimed at dissuading public participation in peaceful gatherings or silencing voices critical of the government and social issues.
Lastly, I urge you to amend or repeal legislation in order to ensure it conforms with Thailand’s international human rights obligations on freedom of peaceful assembly and expression, and to train state officials to carry out their duties confirming to Thailand’s obligation to respect, protect and fulfil the peaceful exercise of the rights to freedom of peaceful assembly and expression.
Thank you for your attention.

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